Vegan Honeydew Melon, Almond Milk & Mint Smoothie Recipe | FreeSpiritYogaRetreats
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Posted by on Jun 25, 2015 in Blog |

Vegan Honeydew Melon, Almond Milk & Mint Smoothie Recipe

Vegan Honeydew Melon, Almond Milk & Mint Smoothie Recipe

Christiane made this awesome super easy & cooling summer smoothie the other day and we had to share it with you.

Vegan Honeydew Melon – Almond Milk – Mint Smoothie


  • 1 cup almond milk (I made mine myself, but you dont have to – just make sure you buy unsweetened almond milk), 1.5 cups cubed honeydew melon
  • a bunch of fresh mint leaves,
  • one cup of water, ice .
  • Optional: instead of water use fresh coconut water if you have it + 1 tsp raw honey (if you like it really sweet) .

Blend all in a high speed blender and enjoy.


Health benefits:

One cup of honeydew has over 34% percent of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C, it is also high in potassium, and B Vitamin.

One cup of almond milk has 30 % of the recommended intake of calcium, 25% of Vitamin D (both reducing your risk for arthritis and osteoporosis and improving your immune function. 50% of recommended intake of Vitamin E (which contains antioxidant properties essential to your skins health, such as protecting it against sun damage), no cholesterol or saturated fats and is low in carbs.

The health benefits of mint are endless 🙂 so just include it in your daily diet whenever you can!

.. .enjoy and stay cool,

Your FSYR team

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