Jenilyn Braegger-Hernández | FreeSpiritYogaRetreats
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Jenilyn Braegger-Hernández

As a professional dancer in New York City, injuries occur. And after a hip surgery, Jenilyn decided to go into her local Bikram studio with the intention of recovering quickly to return to the stage. Little did she know the practice would take a hold of her life and lead her in a direction of helping others all over the world.

This life is so beautiful. And being in pain is a hard life to live. Whether it be a physical or mental discrepancy, all pain is pain. Bikram Yoga opens up the dialog with yourself to yourself, providing confidence and self knowledge to overcome anything! This is the key to happiness. Understanding who you are, what you want, and knowing that you can achieve it.

I believe Bikram Yoga guides you to believe in yourself enough to listen to your truth, and I am blessed beyond measure to be apart of it.

Jenilyn Braegger - Bikram Yoga Teacher

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